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Monday, November 23, 2009

waiting on monday

Dave, I saw a very interesting video in diabetes education. They were talking about not testing because of "knowing it will be high" but there's the issue. When we don't test we don't know how we are doing. I know my husband refused to test when he didn't think it would be good. But at the same time when he did and saw that his numbers were lowering it made him feel good. It does give you a pattern to see (whether going down or going up). It helps you to see what is happening to you at that moment and lets you change course during your day.

For example. If I test and my glucose is 172 (I use that number because it was that right before dinner 2 nights ago). I thought about what I had cooked and made sure I stayed away from the things I knew would make my glucose worse (the stuffing we were having, and desert). I checked 2 hours after dinner and my glucose had dropped to 154. I ate a protein snack instead of a piece of fruit and before bed I was at 110. so I self corrected. If you don't test you can't self correct with your foods.

Now before anyone jumps up and down.... The stuffing is made with whole grain bread and was the first time we had it in over 11 months. We planned to test it to see how it would be for thanksgiving. It didn't raise DH's glucose horribly bad (he stayed under 180). Now that is a side dish he will have once a month (he loves it). We are still learning what causes problems and what doesn't, it's a curve that we are gonna continue going around.

HTHtake careDonna

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