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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

diab. and swine flu shot

Just left my drs. and he wants me to get the swine flu shot because of my recent diag. of type 2 diab.(I also have moderate asthma). I had the reg. shot in Oct. but am very nervous about the swine flu shot. Has anyone here had it and any reactions? Any opinion if I should or should not get. Thanks. Jean.

I have not gotten the H1N1 vaccine because it has not been available. When it is available, I'll get it. One of my nephews got the vaccine at school about a month ago and he has not had any problems.

You are going to hear both positives and negatives. Two things you need to consider: How much do you trust what your doctor tells you and how do you feel about the vaccine?

My husband and son have both had the H1N1 shot (they both have
asthma) and neither had any reaction to it. My husband and I go to
different doctors in the same practice and he actually got a phone
call telling him he could make an appointment to get the
vaccine. The practice got such a limited amount of vaccine that the
doctors actually had to go through their patient lists and select the
patients that would be able to get a dose. I did not receive a phone
call, so I called my doctor's office and was told that I had NOT been
selected. Even with diabetes, I wasn't considered a high enough
risk. I hope that they will get more, or that I will be able to get
a shot at one of the few clinics that will be held.


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