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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

mentioned a single flu shot

I make mine on facts, show me proof its been tested. I see 3 specialists and not one has mentioned a single flu shot. Can you tell me which 3 strains are in the seasonal shot this yr. please? Thimerisol is mercury one of the so called toxins. You break a mercury thermometer today they want to call hazmat. MSG is in it very bad for children and some people. People harmed by nuerotoxins takes years and it's cumulative. You're not going to see it the 15 min or 30 min they watch for adverse affects.
This happened yesterday!

Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson filed the Freedom of Information request.
Journalists are allowed to ask for expedited processing of their Freedom of Information request because, for obvious reasons, they´re working on a story that may have public impact or be of public interest. The agencies are not supposed to use the Freedom of Information Law to obstruct or delay the release of this information.

She was denied that expedited processing from Freedom of Information that she's entitled to as a member of the press; a letter from HHS or Health and Human Services (the CDC is under HHS) said that one of the reasons they´re denying expedited processing is because this is not a matter of "widespread and exceptional media or public interest." Really not a matter of public interest. I thought the president declared it a national emergency, but it's not a matter of public interest. Why are we discussing it? The CDC told everyone to stop testing for the strain in July. Do they want to exaggerate the numbers or keep them low, that's what you need to know. If it was a killer flu I don't think it could be hidden from the media. Very mild strain. This is supposed to be the height of flu season right now. Where are the millions of sick people? Rita

Posted by: "Rita Dallas"

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