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Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Snacking is getting Out Of Control

Hi, I am really struggling with my Diabetes at the moment. I feel tired all the time, have no energy and Feel hungry all th time which is causing havoc with snacking. I will have a small piece of watermelon for a snack and find I just can't stop at one piece. I will eat a snack and still feel hungry. Does anyone have any ideas that might help.
Cheers Donna

I can only tell you what works for me. On my hungry days, I make sure to
snack on protein and fat because carbs will only lead to more hunger, for
me. Fruit for me is NOT a good snack. It never is filling, and not for long,
but a piece of cheddar cheese with a cracker, a slice of avocado, a couple
of olives, a few slices of pepperoni. These will almost always curb the
craving for sweets. I make sure to drink water or seltzer with these items.
good luck.

Hi,I am really struggling with my Diabetes at the moment.I feel tired all the time, have no energy and Feel hungry all the time which is causing havoc with snacking. I will have a small piece of watermelon for a snack and find I just can't stop at one piece.I will eat a snack and still feel hungry. Does anyone have any ideas that might help.Cheers Donna>

High blood glucose levels, especially chronically high ones, can give you physical hunger because your body's cells can't get access to the circulating glucose, so they're semi-starved and hollering for fuel.

The way I break this problem in myself is to revert back to Diabetes Nutrition 101-- no meal skipping, no snack skipping, absolutely nothing with refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup or white flour, cutting way down on the complex carbs (whole grain products, starchy veggies, whole fruit), only using milk in coffee or on cereal, in the smallest portions possible, and eliminating artificial sweeteners wherever possible.

If I can concentrate on eating a reasonably sized portion of protein at every meal and snack (eggs, cheese, lean meat, cottage cheese, beans, fish), one small serving of carbs per meal and snack, and load up on salad, non-starchy veggies and lots of water all throughout the day, I can break the back of that hunger-- it might take a couple of days, but if I can fill my face with the right foods (no starving, just exercising strict portion control in regularly-spaced meals and snacks and cooling my jets with the things that drive up my glucose), I'll feel about 200% better and more in control in a day or two.

Judy D.

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