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Saturday, November 28, 2009

no alcohol but hangover feeling

Yesterday being Thanksgiving, I ate what I wanted and not what I should
have. Today I had a bad headache and hurt all over (I have fibromyalgia,
but no weather changes which usually trigger it) and just generally felt
like crap. I was not much of a drinker before being diagnosed, maybe one
or two drinks a week, and have not touched alcohol since being diagnosed
almost 4 weeks ago, so I'm just learning. Is the way I felt today due to
my bad eating yesterday?

I take 500 mg Metformin ER once a day. My levels are usually 120-180 2
hours after eating, depending on whether I've had any carbs and around
150 when I wake up in the morning. I seem to be very sensitive to carbs
and am planning on starting Atkins on Sunday. (my birthday) We had
already planned to go out to a dinner theater tomorrow so I want to have
one more "fun" meal to celebrate and then will go on the wagon.


Very probably. High glucose can make your body feel as though someone took a baseball bat to you-- lots of muscle pain, headache, blurry vision, fatigue.

How high did your meter show you you'd gone last night and today?

Believe me, you'll get to the point where feeling like this won't be worth it anymore. Having "special" meals for "special" occasions just isn't worth hitting the glucose skids a few hours later and staying that way for a couple of days. At least, that's the conclusion I've come to for myself.


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