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Friday, November 27, 2009

Debate is healthy and that is how we learn

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Debate is healthy and that is how we learn. I am very thankful we can have these conversations. Better to have all the views to base our decisions on.

Sam, The site you listed, generation rescue pdf states; these conclusions are based on only a few studies, none of which included both blood and brain mercury levels in infants. Also if thimerisol is so safe why did they take it out of most of the vaccines? You asked where I get my info. Other than first hand experience, I own a bookstore it's amazing all the info in books. The ones written by authors with no conflict of interest. Too bad everyone goes to the internet instead of reading anymore. Except for romance and science fiction that is. But lately I have been reading the FDA and CDC reports, it's all there. One sentence from the fda report is interesting.

There has been substantial consistency between laboratory and epidemiologic results, and there have been some studies that are done that I won't talk about today that suggest that the novel H1 viruses may not be fully adapted to humans yet. April 2009
The vaccine pushers just ignored that remark. It is amazing also that mankind survived millions of years with no vaccines. It has to do with better sanitation etc.

As far as autism, try finding some info on which children were vaccinated and which werent. There are other toxins besides mercury too, like aluminum and msg etc. Also you have to be open minded. A baby has it's mothers immunity when its born, why do they vaccinate a newborn. Do they still give polio or smallpox vaccines? I have natual immunity to smallpox so that one wouldn't be a problem for me. Take care, Rita

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